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23 Jul 2013 Cleveland, OH 44115. Telephone Numbers and Websites UN1950, AEROSOLS, CLASS 2.1, LIMITED QUANTITY, EmS F-D, S-U. IATA/ICAO. 19 Jan 2011 Because the limited quantity provisions in the UN Model Regulations (UN1950 ) and Receptacles, small (UN2037) without subsidiary risk)  2 Apr 2013 and strict about the acceptance and the quantity allowed for DG class 1 in transit, flammable nature in Reefer Container even if declared in limited quantity. All UN 1950 Aerosols with propellant gas other than clas The number for aerosols is UN 1950.

Un1950 limited quantity

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UN1950, Aerosols, nonflammable, containing substances in  No, Name and description, Class, Classification code, Packing group, Labels, Special provisions, Limited and excepted quantities, Packaging, Portable tanks  48,87,126. Aerosols, non-flammable, (each not exceeding 1 L capacity). 2.2. UN1950 These exceptions may include limited quantity exceptions for labeling,   2 Dec 2019 Quantity.

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Qty.” UN specification package No No No Hazard label Flammable Class 2.1 (no sub-risk) Yes Yes Optional Hazard label Non-Flammable Class 2.2 (no sub-risk) Limited Quantities mark on container 250 x 250 mm. Container packed with dangerous goods in limited quantities and dangerous goods not in limited quantities must be placarded and marked for dangerous goods not in limited quantities on all four sides.

Un1950 limited quantity

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Aerosols, non-flammable, (each not exceeding 1 L capacity). 2.2. UN1950 These exceptions may include limited quantity exceptions for labeling,   2 Dec 2019 Quantity. Chemical name. CAS No. EC No. Index No. REACH No. GHS Classification UN number: UN1950. AEROSOLS.

Limited Quantity. Legal Justification. The Item Has been checked in accordance with the regulations  14.1 UN-nummer. · ADR, ADN, IMDG, IATA.
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Un1950 limited quantity

1L. · Excepted quantities (EQ). Code: E0. Not permitted as Excepted Quantity. · UN "Model Regulation": UN 1950 AEROSOLER, 2.1.

· ADR. 1950 AEROSOLS. · IMDG. AEROSOLS Limited quantities (LQ).
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UN1950. · 14.2 Officiell transportbenämning. · ADR. 1950 AEROSOLER. · IMDG.


No class placards or LQs mark is allowed for the goods in LQs. Note that the MP mark would still be required even if the UN1761 was not an MP, but the UN1950 LQ packages were (see IMDG Figure 2 Se hela listan på Description UN1950, AEROSOLS, 2.1 ADN UN-No. UN1950 Proper Shipping Name AEROSOLS Hazard Class 2.1 Classification code 5F Special Provisions 190, 327, 344, 625 Description UN1950, AEROSOLS, 2.1 Limited Quantity 1 L Ventilation VE01, VE04 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION International Inventories TSCA Complies The limited quantity is the maximum quantity per inner packaging or article for transporting dangerous goods as limited quantities.

· 14.2 Officiell transportbenämning. · ADR. 1950 AEROSOLER.