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Daily OMX Technical and Fundamental Analysis. Historical data and quotes on Take-profit.org. Current quotes, charts, news, historical data, and analysis for OMX STOCKHOLM 30 INDEX (OMXS30) Index OMXS30 Today: Get all information on the OMXS30 Index including historical chart, news and constituents. Information on the OMXS30 Futures, such as historical data, contracts, charts, technical analysis, and more. Finns det historiska data nedladdningsbara data (helst open, high, low, close, volume) för OMXS30 längre bak än 2004 någonstans?

Omxs30 historical data

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"Historical data: OMX Stockholm 30 Index - Sweden (^OMXS)". Top 30 Components. Symbol, Company Name, Last Price, Change, % Change  Additional Data available. OMX Stockholm 30 Index (OMXS30). Overview · History · Weighting · Industry Breakdown · Corporate Actions. Trade Date: Start of Day  Visa OMX Stockholm 30 Index-livediagram för att se de senaste prisförändringarna. Dessutom har du tillgång till tradingidéer, prognoser och marknadsnyheter  OMXS30 Today: Get all information on the OMXS30 Index including historical chart, news and ISIN, Latest Price, Previous Close, Low, High, +/-, %, Time Here is the URL to get historical data.

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Full history. Overall analysis.

Omxs30 historical data

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The index has been split by 4 on April 27, 1998. More information is available in the different sections of the OMX Stockholm 30 page, such as: historical data, charts, technical analysis and others. Candlestick Chart Area Chart Xcse:Omx Stockholm 30 Index historical price data and OMXS30 charts. Free real-time prices, trades, and chat. Omxs30 is a stock market index for the Stockholm Stock Exchange.

EMA (Exponential Moving Average), eller Exponentiellt Glidande Medelvärde, visar ett viktat OMX Stockholm 30, förkortat OMX30 är ett index över de 30 mest omsatta bolagen på Stockholmsbörsen. Oftast är det det här indexet som redovisar när man pratar på nyheterna ”Så här gick börsen idag”.
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Omxs30 historical data

Mar 5. Apr 12. Mar 14. Mar 16.

Type in a share in the search box and choose it in the drop down appearing beneath the search box. We will provide intraday data for your chosen share, and below that present the historical data in a chart. You can also change the dates to your liking and when you are satisfied you can download the spreadsheet by clicking on the spreadsheet icon OMXS30: 1.867,99 +4,71 +0,25% : OMXS30 Fut. 1.745,00 +11,50 +0,66% : S&P 500 Fut. 3.705,38 +10,38 +0,28% : Dow Jones: 30.199,87 +70,04 +0,23% : DAX: 13.587,23 +169,12 +1,26% : Dollar Index: 90,213-0,037-0,04% : Euro Index: 107,96 +0,05 +0,04% Omxs30 is a stock market index for the Stockholm Stock Exchange. It is a capitalization-weighted index that consists of the 30 most-traded stock classes.
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It is a free float, capitalization weighted index. The OMX 30 index has a base value of 125 as of September 30, 1986. The index has been split by 4 on April 27, 1998.

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